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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Do me a huge favor...

Never start with the phrase, "Let's take a look at your mistakes" when reviewing an assessment to start a small group.  I repeat, never start with a phrase like that.  Who on earth would want to sit in a small group and immediately dive into all they did wrong?

I cringe.

Use the collective knowledge of your students to discover the correct responses, methods, procedures to solving a problem or answering a tough question.

Try this:
"Let's go through each question.  Some you answered correctly or partly correctly, while others were answered incorrectly.  Let's use what we know and have learned as a group to clear up any misconceptions."
-Call on students who answered a question correctly to explain their thinking.  Call on other students who answered partially correctly to explain their thinking.  Start with what THEY know.  Start where THEY are.  Use what THEY know to move them forward in their self-discovery and learning.

Thank you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kindergarten Students

I take I35 and 290 to get to work everyday.  The transition from 35 to 290 is relatively easy, it just requires one lane change.  Today, the traffic was surprisingly light.  I made it to work in a record 13 minutes!

Well, I was attempting to switch lanes when I noticed the man I was trying to get in front of (using my turn single and other driving etiquette requirements) was speeding up quickly so that I would not be able to switch lanes.  Well, understanding the actual time implications of being in front of or behind him, I thought nothing of it and just moved in behind him.  Then, a few minutes later, I noticed he did this to another car (who also used his turn single). 

This man was dead set on not letting people in front of all costs.  As I was exiting Berkman Street I realized how much of a kindergartner he was acting like.  I can't tell you how many times I have intervened on 5 and 6 year-old kids pushing and shoving other students around so that they can make it to or stay in the front of the line.

And that made my mind wonder to the countless times I have seen adults in grocery stores "push and shove" their way to the front of lines to check out.  Although, the pushing and shoving has turned into a more manipulative approach (e.g., blocking the way of another who was first, cutting a corner around the merchandise stands, playing dumb, or rushing to the new cashier who says, "I can take the next person in line over here.").  Nevertheless, cutting in line and insisting on being first is a common practice from pre-k to extreme adulthood. 

First, I want to say that, generally speaking (some lines are inordinately long and people do benefit from being one of the firsts), you can save a good minute on cutting in front of someone or making sure that you are at the "front of the line".  In the case of the man driving on the same roads as me this morning, I estimate he saved 5 seconds in his total commute time by not allowing me or the other driver to politely get in front of him.  So, I don't think the function of his behavior is to save time.  I think the function of his behavior is something much deeper than that. 

Or something as simple as what a kindergartner thinks when he or she wants to make sure they are in the front of a line going to recess or lunch.  They really haven't given much thought to how much more time they will get to play at recess or how much more quickly they will receive their lunch by being in front.  All they know is that they want to eat and play and they want to be one of the first to do so.

So, the next time I get frustrated at a kindergartner for cutting or pushing in line, I will think back to this man or the countless adults who frequent grocery stores.  And I will show more patience. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Children are Children

I'll admit, one of the things I was most nervous about coming into the mentoring position was working with several bilingual teachers.  These teachers' students are only Spanish speakers.  I was worried that I would not be able to support the new teachers in ways that made a true difference.  I do not have a bilingual background.  Though my professional goal is to become fluent in Spanish, I have definitely not achieved that goal yet.  So, being put into a position in which I was expected to support these novice bilingual teachers seemed, quite honestly, daunting.

And then the first day of school arrived.  And I realized something that had been told to me and that I was telling myself all along: kids are kids.  It doesn't matter what language they speak, where they come from, or how old they are.  Students in bilingual classes use the same curriculum.  And the same great instructional practices that I love work for every kid!  Every kid in Leander, Austin, Houston, LA, or anywhere.

Wow!  This makes me feel so much better! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Green Light Classroom

Dr. Rich Allen presents 9 different ways to get kids actively engaged to "accelerate learning".


To me, there is nothing unusual or revolutionary about his ideas.  That, in no way, discounts them or even postulates these strategies are being implemented consistently and effectively in most classrooms.  In fact, I've read that, while most students prefer other non-lecture methods of learning (projects, movement, discussions, etc.), most teachers still use lecture as a primary method or strategy to teach in their classrooms. 

So, I believe in what Rich Allan is doing- reminding us and sharing new information and research that supports the continued efforts to increase the use of different instructional strategies that use a variety of modalities and learning styles.

I was thinking about creating a visual that highlights or bullets these 9 different strategies.  This will keep these 9 strategies or techniques fresh on my mind as I work with new teachers.  My end goal would be to increase the likelihood that these new teachers will be lifelong users of these "green light" teaching strategies!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Fatefully Small World

Joseph has recently become friends with the new English teacher at Lanier, Sarah, who is from Iowa.  Last Sunday we went to a bbq at her house in Cedar Park.  Sarah and her partner are best friends with their next door neighbors, Joe and Amanda.  Because of their friendship, they built a gate that connects their backyards.  We ended up eating ribs and potato salad with the four of them.

During the bbq I learned that Amanda was a SCORES teacher at Mills Elementary in Austin ISD.  SCORES is an inclusion support position for children on the spectrum.  She does essentially what I have been doing in Leander ISD.

Tuesday comes around and I see Amanda sitting in the front office of my school in a nice outfit holding a notepad and folder.  Both of us were quite surprised.  I asked her what she was doing at Block House Creek.  She exclaimed, "I'm interviewing for the autism inclusion position!"  In excitement I informed her, "That's my position!"  Both in shock, we went on about our business.

We talked after school.  She expressed a deep interest in the position and working with kids on the spectrum.  She has a heart and mind for behavior.  I can tell she is truly passionate about her job and her students.  I would sleep so much better at night knowing that Amanda has inherited my students.  I feel confident she would take good care of them and oscillate ever-so-thoughtfully between the delicate balance of supporting and pushing the students to move forward during their elementary years.

Fate or coincidence?  Let's go with fate.  I hope she gets my old position and gets to work with my former students.  I will miss them dearly.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Twenty Strategies That Engage the Brain

I will remember the 20 brain-based strategies to promote student learning found in Marcia Tate’s, “Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites” using the technique to memorize twenty concepts as demonstrated by Rich Allan this year at Leander ISD’s Continuous Improvement Conference.

This is the format:
I will briefly describe the body movement as demonstrated by Rich Allan.  I will use that body movement to then memorize the 20 brain-based strategies.

-1 is the sun (make a circle with your arms in front of your body):  I will bounce my arms and imagine the circle being a brain (brainstorming and discussion).

-2 eyes (use two fingers to point to your eyes):  I will start out by pointing to my eyes but then I will begin drawing random things in the air in front of me with those two fingers (drawing and artwork).

-3 is a triangle (using both hands to outline the vertices of a triangle):  I will start with outlining the vertices of the triangle and then start “pointing at objects I am seeing at the museum” (field trips).

-4 burners on a stove (using one hand, press each burner on the stove):  I will move my pawn around the game board 4 times (games).

-5 fingers (wiggle fingers):  I will recall the graphic organizer that students can learn to memorize a summary on their fingers—somebody, wanted, but, so, then (graphic organizers, semantic maps, and word webs).

-6 pick-up sticks (using one hand, begin to “pick up sticks”):  I will think of the sticks and remember “slapstick” humor (humor).

-7-Up (pretend to drink a can of 7-Up):  I will begin to drink the can but then begin to “analyze the specimen” (manipulatives, experiments, labs, and models).

-8 tentacles (wiggle 8 fingers):  I will think, “The octopus’ tentacles are as long as fire hoses” (metaphors, analogies, similes).

-9 line (draw a line with your pinky):  I will pretend I am unzipping a really neat way to remember facts or information (mnemonic devices)

-10 chicken (flap arms like a chicken):  I will flap my arms like a chicken and move around the room (movement).

-11 pickets on a fence (drum your pointer fingers down a line of fencing):  I will drum with my fingers (music, rhythm, rhyme, and rap).

-12 dozen eggs (crack an egg):  I will crack the egg and see what “problem is inside” (project-based and problem-based instruction).

-13 unlucky cat (pet an unlucky cat):  I will pet the cat in hopes that it becomes cooperative (reciprocal teaching and cooperative learning).

-14 is a heart for Valentine’s (using both hands, make the shape of a heart in front of your body):  I will make the heart in front of my body, but do it dramatically (role plays, drama, pantomimes, and charades).

-15 minutes of fame (do the jazz hands and proclaim your 15 minutes of fame!):  I will pretend that I had 15 minutes of fame because of a really crazy story from my life (storytelling).

-16 legal age to drive (hold a steering wheel and pretend to drive):  Change the radio station as you are driving the car (technology).

-17 magazine (flip the pages of Seventeen):  Visualize the pictures in the magazine as you are flipping the pages (visualization and guided imagery).

-18 legal age to vote (make a checkmark with your hand):  Imagine you made a checkmark on a huge voting ballet (visuals).

-19 remote (turn on the TV with a remote):  Pretend that the remote needs repair and you are attempting to fix it (work study and apprenticeships).

-20-20 vision (hold binoculars and look around):  Start off holding binoculars and then use your right hand to start writing (writing and journals).

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mentor job

Exciting news came my way last Wednesday. I was contacted by Austin ISD and offered a position as an elementary Mentor for the 2012-2013 school year! Basically I will be helping 1st-3rd year teachers have the best school year they can have! Hopefully, I will also keep them motivated, excited, and passionate about teaching.

In preparation for this new journey I want to make sure I continue blogging. I want to finish, "You're Going to Love this Kid" by Paula Kluth. Also, I would like to read Rich Allan's, "Green Light Classroom", by the end of the school year.

I am exciting to meet the mentor team and to find out where I will be working. I am also excited to know who I will be mentoring!

"You're Going to Love This Kid" Chapter 8

Chapter 8 is on literacy and students with autism. 

The following thoughts are from my experiences only, and don't necessarily reflect what happens elsewhere.

I'd say we do a good job in elementary school including every student in literacy development.  We don't "count kids out" so quickly in the early years.  We push for literacy in all grades, k-5.  We get that being literate is more than just being able to sound out words and piece them together to form sentences and paragraphs. 

As a reading teacher, I push for increases in fluency.  I want my kids to be able to read with an ease that allows them to simply enjoy the exercise of reading.  However, many of my students struggle significantly with reading fluency.  Sometimes, we just need to take a break from the chore of reading and give our students the opportunity to enjoy a good story being told by a good storyteller.  A good read aloud models the joy of reading for students, without the struggles of reading fluency getting in the way.  It also helps us focus on the other aspect of reading- comprehension.  Reading comprehension can be refined and practiced during a read aloud when students are not expected to read themselves.  Practicing reading comprehension during a read aloud provides excellent opportunities for teachers to engage students in higher order thinking skills for texts that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Students on the Spectrum benefit from being read to because they are able to hear how voice inflections change as characters interact and respond to emotions.  This is powerful for these students as many struggle to understand social interactions and emotions.

Half way done with the paragraph...more to come.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Should I admit in an interview that I am nervous!? I think everyone is nervous. I am just mentioning the elephant in the room. But, it helps me realize it's okay to be nervous.

Let's hope for the best. My goal was to go in there and show them how passionate I am about this field and give them proof that it is backed up by a solid working knowledge of best practices. Now, we just have to wait a few weeks and see what happens.

We need to meet the kids where they are, and then push them forward. Meeting a student where she is does not grant us approval to maintain a status quo, it simply gives us a reasonable and realistic foundation on which to build.


Interview in one hour and 10 minutes. I'm a little nervous, I'll be honest. It's for a mentor teaching job. It's, quite honestly, my dream job. It involves so many things I am passionate about. How exciting would it be to work with those first through third year teachers and guide them to become rockin' teachers and teachers who feel a sense of accomplishment when they see their students succeed. Talk about a job of supporting someone in their greatest time of need.

I am going to take my anxiety and do what Steven Tyler does. He is an adrenaline junkie. He lives for the rush of the stage. This interview will be my stage, and I will pretend that I live for that rush!

Monday, February 6, 2012

presentation notes from Feb Conference

Here are the notes I prepared for my presentation today, "Video Technology in Small Group Math".


Hello and welcome to Video Technology in Small Group Math. My name is David Goss. I am a Special Education Teacher. I have to give you a little disclaimer: I am an elementary school teacher. They scheduled this session during the elementary keynote. Needless to say, all elementary staff are there, and I am here. I am here presenting to a group of secondary educators. I told my assistant principal this, and she said, “They like to laugh and don't like fluff.”

I will try my best to maximize laughter, while minimizing fluff.

I also figure this is good instructional practice for kids, k-99. What's good for me and my students is going to be good for you and your students. Though some of my examples are elementary specific, I believe the meat and the power of the ideas in this presentation transcend educational level.


Okay, let's clear up some things before we get started. First, let me tell you what you're not going to get. You are not going to be drug through a how-to presentation on using iMovie or flip cameras. I would talk to your technology people at your campus if you want some training on using these in your classroom.

What you will get is the theory behind why I think using video in math is beneficial to students. You will also be given opportunities to think about how video technology could be immediately applied to your teaching practices.

I consider this a beginner course because ANYONE can do ANY of these techniques that I am about to share with you.

How this works: I am going to share with you 5 different ways I have used video in small group math. After each one, you will have a short amount of time to discuss and write down how you can apply that specific video use in your small group math instruction.

Pay attention to the sound of a bell. When you hear the bell that means it is time to refocus on the presentation so that we can move forward as a group.

Everyone stand up!

Remain standing if you know where you can find a flip camera at your school.
Remain standing if you have held a flip camera at your school.
...if you have recorded on a flip camera at your school.
...if you have created a video using iMovie or some other movie creating program at your school.

My hope is that, after this presentation you will be so equipped, excited, and convinced that using video technology in small group math is a great way to increase student learning and engagement, that, if we met this same time next year, you would all still be standing!


We are going to cover five ways you can use video technology in your small group math instruction.

Music videos
Teacher video modeling
Student video modeling
Scavenger hunts
Recording activities

Private university website
Private company website
E-learning presentation from a technology firm
Public university website


The original learning pyramid was actually called the “Cone of Experience”. This was a creation of a guy named Edgar Dale in the 1950s. In Dale's original text, he stated that we are not supposed to use the cone of experience with absolute “literalness” in its basic form.

It is used as a visual aid that should help us see the connection between various types of audio-visual materials and their position in the learning process. They are placed on the cone based on the level of abstraction—with the most concrete methods of learning being at the bottom and the more abstract methods of learning being toward the top. You'll also notice that he did not affix any percentages of “retention” to each learning method. The more “updated” learning pyramids tend to have percentages indicating retention rates for each method of learning.

A student who is being introduced to chemical symbols or who is studying multiplication facts might do well with learning through reading or simple drill and practice. But, understanding a complex math concept might be better learned through collaborative real world or simulation experiences.

So, we have to consider: the prior knowledge of the student, the complexity of the content, and the interests of the student when we are designing our instruction. We can incorporate technology and multimedia with varying levels of student interactivity, modalities, and based on student interest.


The following information is from the article, “Multimodal Learning Through Media: What the Research Says” sponsored by Cisco Systems.

This chart shows us the percent increase in student learning when students are engaged in interactive vs non-interactive multimodal learning when compared to learning through a more traditional unimodal method.

Describe chart

The reality is that the most effective designs for learning adapt to include a variety of media, combinations of modalities, levels of interactivity, learner characteristics, and pedagogy based on a complex set of circumstances. Basically, learning isn't always as simple as set percentage points placed on a pyramid.

That's all great. And it's important for us to know as educators. But, here is one of the biggest reasons I started using video technology in my small math group to capture important math concepts.


The first picture is of my brother (on the right), my cousin (in the middle), and me. This was taken during a trip to Kansas City to visit my grandmother who recently married her new husband. We attempted to build an igloo and have a snowball fight using it as a fort.

All of these memories are triggered by viewing this photo. This photo elicits memories that would otherwise be left in the vault of my mind, unopened, unattended, and forgotten.
The second one was taken this last Halloween. It is of me and my friend, Joseph. I was a whoopie-cushion for Halloween. I'd like to tell you it was a well-thought out costume, but it wasn't. It was purchased the day before the annual Halloween party. Joseph is Dracula. We have coffee because it was the morning after the Halloween party. We were quite tired. I probably don't need to elaborate.

Once again, these memories were elicited through the photographs. It's quite obvious that visual stimulus of the individual engaged in an activity has a significant positive impact on memory retrieval. And what is true for me, is true for my students. After all, our brains are more similar than not.

Video is a powerful tool to promote student recall and learning. It is especially, if not specifically, more powerful when the student is the subject of such a video.


Music has shown to activate emotions and promote long term memory. It can also aid in memory. Movement can stimulate the release of the body's natural motivators-noradrenaline and dopamine- which wake up learners and help them feel good, promoting energy levels, and improving storage of information and subsequent retrieval of that stored information.

Movement involves more of a student's brain than sit-and-get instruction because it uses multiple memory systems.

And don't forget, the two easiest ways to increase student learning and engagement is through novelty and joy.

It is always fun to do a music video premier once the video footage has been turned into a completed music video. I like to do this on Fridays. The students are still learning and actively engaged. It's incredible to see how focused students become when they are watching music videos starring non other than themselves! It is also fun to incorporate food (popcorn) to really make it a memorable experience.

Once again, the videos you create can be used throughout the entire year to help prepare for classroom-based, district, and state assessments.

Teacher created songs: Do you have a talent for playing a musical instrument? You don't? Have no fear! You can still create memorable music videos with your students. Students or teachers can beat box while other students rap lyrics. This can also be created into a music video.

Student created songs: I may be surprised what your students can accomplish when you give them these simple directions: “Make a song or rap that will help us remember this specific math concept.”

Already made songs: I've found Rockin' the Standards. Many of their songs fit nicely into my curriculum. We have created videos on angles, perimeter and area, and place value so far this year. We watch them for enjoyment (and little do the students know, to promote memory of these concepts) and we watch them for review.

I challenge you to find songs already created that would fit into your curriculum and that you and your students could make into music videos.

Here is a sampling of Rockin' the Standards songs with accompanying lyrics.


You can use this for a small group computer center. This could cover a brand new skill or concept or could be a review of a previously learned concept.

A student could view the video on the computer if they were absent. This is especially powerful if current materials require understanding of previous concepts and the student was absent.
This is also great for students who just need some extra review.

This example of teacher video modeling is of my teacher friend, Heather Lucas. She is introducing the concept of equivalent fractions to a group of 3rd graders. I simply set up the flip camera on a tripod. I collected 20 minutes worth of the lesson. I edited it down 8 minutes, taking out wait time and some discussions. The sample you are about to see is approximately one minute.


Having students create videos of themselves teaching or demonstrating a concept or skill does wonders for many reasons.

First, it is an awesome way for you to review previously covered concepts. I often do a Fun Friday in which the students and I simply watch videos that we have created that nine weeks. I end up with 4 to 5 videos covering 4 to 5 different skills or concepts. In the course of 20 minutes the students have seen themselves in video successfully complete tasks and master difficult concepts.

This increases their self-esteem exponentially and also helps them in memory retrieval and recall.

Video consent: Each student's parent signs a video consent allowing their child's photo or video to be shared publicly. Video consent makes it okay for me or you to use videos or photos of our students in public forums. However, some parents opted out of this. Therefore, the photos and videos of these children are not to be shared in a public forum. This presents no problem for using the videos in my classroom for my classroom. However, it became a problem when I began preparing for this presentation. All of the videos you see have been edited to keep those students out of this presentation. You will notice some nuances as we go through the videos.

The next video is of Thomas demonstrating how to complete a multiplication problem. You will notice that I ask him clarifying questions to clear up misconceptions or frequent errors. I do this to get him thinking about his work.


Scavenger hunts are a perfect way to bring a student's learning to life. Scavenger hunts help students realize that math is found right outside the classroom door. Scavenger hunts help students realize that many things in their lives and in the “real world” have some mathematical component.

Also, we need to remember the brain-body connection. Our brains were designed to work simultaneous with movement. A long time ago, we were hunters and gatherers. When we were hunting we were moving and thinking and coordinating and planning all at the same time. This is how our brains work best.

There is 5-15% more oxygen and blood flow to the brain when we are standing.

Maria Montessori, creator of the Montessori Method, called the chair an instrument of slavery. She said that the horse ridden by a jockey ran slower than a wild horse of the plans no matter how many whips a jockey gave him. Like a tamed horse being pushed by a jockey, children are fastest and healthiest when they are allowed to move freely, without the constraints of the chair. Though I wouldn't go so far as to say that a chair is an instrument of slavery, I can respect the demand that we must get our students moving and exploring in order to optimizing their learning.


You can record any activity if you have access to a flip camera. This is the easiest, and one of the most powerful ways of integrating video into your small group math instruction. It requires no extra prep work. You just simply turn on the flip camera and start recording your students engaged in activities. You can ask them clarifying questions and ask them to describe their thought processes.

You can then use these videos to do quick reviews or even use them to share with the entire class. If your students are like mine, they often forget why they solved a problem the way they did. Reviewing videos is a great way to trigger those memories.

Some activities I design with the intent of recording video. Others I create and then later designed I want to record the students working. Sometimes I decide at the last minute and I grab the flip camera off my desk and start recording.


Thanks for coming and I hope you are convinced of the potential power of using video in your small group math instruction. When do you plan on using video technology? On what skill? What video technique? Music videos, teacher modeling, student modeling, scavenger hunt, or just recording an activity? How often can you commit to using video technology in your instruction? Your exit ticket will be to write a professional goal for yourself and using video technology in your small group math instruction.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

two questions

Question 1:

What personal characteristics define an excellent administrator?

I wrote:

An excellent administrator knows how to build and support a solid team of dedicated educators.

An excellent administrator is one who unites a group of teachers to support a common goal: student learning.

An excellent administrator knows how to collaborate and work with a group of highly diversified parents, faculty, staff, and students.

An excellent administrator builds solid rapport with teachers, thus allowing her to give constructive feedback and engage in formal and informal discussions of teaching and learning without hesitation or resistance.

An excellent administrator has an open-door policy.

An excellent administrator maintains a level-head in heated situations.

An excellent administrator is constantly seeking to learn more about the art and science of teaching and is always looking for ways to improve his craft.

An excellent administrator visits classrooms daily.

An excellent administrator is in classrooms more than his office.

An excellent administrator knows every teacher's professional strengths and weaknesses.

An excellent administrator models the passion and dedication it takes to be an excellent teacher.

An excellent administrator models effective teaching practices.

An excellent administrator has one focus: student success.

Question 2:

From your point of view, how important is technology in education? What technology-related skills can you contribute to a school district?

I wrote:

It is the job of the classroom teacher to model proficient skills in the use of technology. Gone are the days of going to "Computer Class" in elementary school to learn isolated computer skills. The fact is the students we work with are digital natives. They think and talk digitally. Computer illiteracy is unacceptable for our students to be competitive in the 21st century. Effective educators can do nothing but model this, and support the use of technology in their classrooms.

What does this look like for administrators? The easiest way is through technology use during presentations, meetings, faculty and staff development, and during lesson modeling. They can also use websites, online surveys and presentations, and blogs to promote the use of technology in their schools. I consistently use Jing, video technology, and Keynote during team meetings and professional development.